PACE is an engine developed to handle what the author saw as a common problem: create a simple, repeatable, process for running PHP scripts in the background of a website without the need to use process forking, something commonly disabled in shared hosting environments. In addition, the script must run as the user of the account that is requesting it, not as the default Apache service user, “nobody.”
PACE is an acronym for PHP Asynchronous Command Engine. And it’s basically just that, an engine that runs PHP commands asynchronously.
It’s up to the script creator to develop ways to interact with the end user – this is a very lightweight engine designed to do one thing and do it well. But any extras like error handling or process status is up to the developer using the engine.
The script has been tested in CentOS 7 as well as Almalinux. It is intended to be installed in a cPanel environment at this time.
More details, as well as a method of downloading the program, will be available shortly. But it has been in use by the script author for internal projects for the last 8 years.